Monday, November 27, 2006

Martha Stewart rant.....

I love the holidays and try my leve best NOT to be in a rush. To play as much Christmas music that I can, make cookies, craft, rest and comtemplate what the season is about. I told David that we are not going to be buying much for gifts this year, not only can we not afford it - that is not what it's about and I am determined that it be about Christ. I want to decorate the house yard and such, but dont care if Martha Stewart would approve, as long as the kids help and have fun with it. When ya have little kids, Martha dont count. She only had one daughter do when it comes to rallying the troops to do somthing together, she falls short..... Easy to buy all the "good things" when you only buy them for one. Has anyone noticed I am on a Martha bashing post today? :) She just annoys me at times. If she had a budget, that did not include baloga caviar, or brass/copper mesh screen, or fabric that is $20 a yard (if its yarn that's $20, completley differant story)she would not be the "good thing" that she has become. Give her a mop, 4 boys - 2 hounds and a cat running through the house with mud on their feet and miss Martha would get bent!! I think the reason she is bugging me today is that she sets a standard/lifestyle that most of us cant afford or acomplish. She waves in front of us we most of us will never have, and probably dont want. I think she is a lonely bitter woman that has nothing better to do than flaunt the money that she already had and then make more. Now if she wants to impress me, come on over and live like I do for just a month. Or have normal people on her show, not the celebs that get all the attention anyway. She has gardeners to take care of her garden, she has housekeepers that clean for her, she has cooks that think of her ideas and ya know she doesnt wash her own cloths!!!! There, I think I have purged the anger for Martha...hope you can all forgive me. Rachel Ray is gonna outdo Martha soon I think, at least for us working class people. She seems to be more down to earth, buy it at goodwill kinda gal. I like that, she can improvise and can settle for a little bit less and not feel that she is above that. Maybe I am wrong, never met her, but her "persona" seems to be such. Gotta go - kids are getting up and I have tons to do before work today. What a subject to start the day with...


Anonymous said...

ahhhhh.. you gave me my laugh for the day. And Rachael Ray wears her $800 dresses and $400 boots so I don't know that she's quite as down to earth as she seems. But that's the way she sells herself and I do like her a lot. I think she started down to earth but really $$$ changes a person. You know?

Heide said...

Martha smartha. The only good thing I can say about her is that at least she did her time for her illegal activities, unlike many of the Enron officials, politicians, etc. Cheers to another "real" mom.