Thursday, January 26, 2006

The garbage basket

I remember the first "blog" I ever went to was Pretending Sanity. There I found wonderful things to knit, eat, make, wear, the whole sha-bang. But the one thing that struck me the most was - Things I have found in the Toilet. The wonderful little boy that lives there has a toilet fasination. Well, I have a garbage basket boy. Everything he touchs - go's in the garbage. Now I know I should be thankful that he doesnt take things out of the garbage right, but I have to dig through the garbage to see if there is anything of value he has thrown out without me knowing. Here is a BRIEF list of what I found yesterday, yes one day, in the garbage can.

1. his socks - both of them.
2. his brothers reading book, with banana fingerprints on it.
3. his bottle full of juice with...
4. veggies tales video on top of it. of the remote controls for the DVD.
6.His spoon from lunch. left slipper.
8.MY MARTHA MAGAZINE!!!! how dare he.

That is one day - I now have to put the garbage can in the bathtub with the door shut. Sure makes it hard to throw stuff away. So, that was my day yesterday after the dr. office visit - not garbage realated. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I have been Tagged by the wonderful Tee!!

I am really a boring person - so here it goes!

4-Jobs you have had in your life.

1. Police Dispatcher
2. Zoo Keeper (at a real zoo, not at home lol)
3. Nursing Assistant
4. Economic Support Specialist

4-Movies you would watch over and over again.

1.Secondhand Lions
2.ANYTHING - with Antonio Banderas in it.
3.Swiss Family Robinson
4.All of the Veggie Tales shows (told ya I was boring)

4-Places I have lived.
1. Wisconsin
2. Wisconsin
3. Wisconsin
4. Wisconsin - I have lived in 2 towns within 25 miles of each other in my life.

4-tv show you love to watch.
1. Lost
2. Martha (who doesnt)
3. The Red Green Show
4. British comedy's

4-Places you have been on vaction.
1. Lake Superior
2. South Dakota
3. Washington state
4. Maryland

4-Websites you visit daily

1. Spilt Milk
2. Pretending Sanity
3. Strawberry Blush
4.But mom.....

4-Favorite foods.
1. Strawberry pie
2. Lefse
3. chicken - fixed any which way.
4. Captain Crunch ( I know)

4-Places you would rather be right now.
1. In bed - ALONE!!
2. In a hot bath - ALONE!!
3. At my Grandma's
4. Eating at Olive Garden

4-People you tag to complete this.

1. Strawberry Blush(Jill)
2.But Mom...(Heide)
3. Pretending Sanity (Allison)
4.Jaba the Hut ( he knows who he is!!!)

That was fun! It really made me think a little bit.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Many Thanks

My thanks to all of you have been praying for my nephew. We are so blessed to have so many thoughtful people in the world and I can never say thank you enough. So far we have not heard from Chism, but he is in the mountains of Afganistan. He is on the "front" right behind the special forces teams and will be, in his words, flushing out the terrorists when the special forces find them. So continued prayer is more than appreciated. Now for some fun stuff! :)

I am trying to potty train my 15 mo old. Not going well. He loves to sit on the "pee potty" but.... when he has to go he goes in the toy room behind the door and does his littl "thing". So we are sitting on the potty every 2 hours weather we need to or not. After he is done pooping his pants he sits on the potty and I tell him this is where you need to go. I hope this one goes faster than the last one. My oldest REFUSED to poop on the potty, but never wet his pants - go figure. On his third birthday he decided that he would go on the potty. He has NEVER had an accident since - talk about stubborn. :) Anyone else think boys are harder to potty train. Or.. am I alone on this one?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

your prayers please.

I am not one that usually asks for much, except idea's, recipes and so on... :) but I have a huge favor to ask everyone who stops by my blog today and for everday till the war is over in Iraq. My nephew, Chism, is in Afganistan as we speak. He was shipped there Friday and is loading on a truck right now to take his first trip into the fighting. My sister in law just got off of the phone with him and we are all having a bit of a bad day with this. He's only 18 and joined on his own, his dad is a real jerk and basicaly he wanted out of home. So if you could all pray for him I would be forever grateful, he is a good kid with lots he needs to learn. He said that there are mortar shells going off all of the time and that they are so tired it's hard to function. So please pray for him, cuz that is all we can do and I know that God hears prayers and answers them according to His will. Please pray His will be done in Chism's life and that he is right in his heart with the Lord if somthing should happen to him. Thank you all again in advance - I truley appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. God be with you all.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Good Morning!!

Hope you are all bright eyed and bushy tailed this beautiful morning. NO sun here today, but it is warmer. I am feeling "a bit" better, till I do somthing strenuous and then I am shot for the day, BUT... I am going to be posetive today. I had a great Sunday afternoon, thanks to Jills advice. he he he he I am hoping to finish painting my oldest son's floor today, if I can get my granny to come over and watch the ankle biters for a while. I am painting it with a roller that you use to colors of paint. It's called a faux finish, I think it will look pretty cool. It kind of looks like sponge painting - which I hate - but this is way more subtle and the tones match sooooooo well that it looks cool. I dont mind painting, but I would rath crochet! LOL I am taking a survey again on what is for supper, so please let me know what you are all having, including desert. Does anyone else like to sew too, or are you all a bunch of yarn freeks? LOL

Sunday, January 15, 2006

My former life!

I dont beleive in reincarnation, but man there are days it sounds pretty good! LOL I used to have a great, yes great figure. I dont mean to brag, but it was perfect. My hubby loved it and that was all I needed to hear. Now, lets just say it has all started to move south. Why it has not stopped to ask for directions is beyond me. I would tell it to go north for the next 40 years and no questions asked!! Anyway - I have my boys and they are well worth it so I should not wish for what I had but be thankful with what I have cuz it's worth way more. But...I have promised my self a tummy tuck at 40!!! 33 is not old, but its not 25 either. I am loosing a bit of weight but not as fast as I would like. BTW - thank you Jill for the weight loss tip.. I like that type of exercise!!! LOL - never enough time for it though!!! he he he he he Here is to a beautiful Sunday afternoon full of "exercise"!!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Joy in the Morning

Thank you Jill for making me feel better last night. Joy did come in the morning in the form of a great big kiss from my 15 mo old. What a little lover. Today is a better day and looks like it is going to be on cruise control from here on out. Supper is planed, house is tolerable and I am gonna sit and crochet for 2 hours if it kills me - it just may! But I can handle it today! Thanks for all the support - Jill - Heide. Now if anyone has a great diet other than liposuction - send it my way!!! LOL

Friday, January 13, 2006

I want out.

When I woke up this morning I thought it was going to be another wonderful day in the country. Man, that was a mistake. First the baby is sick again, these colds just wont give up. It is the warm weather not killing the germs off. It was 40 degrees out today!! In the middle of January in WISCONSIN!!!! NO WAY!!! Normally it is lucky to hit 10 above 0... so the germs are not dieing. Anyway.... then my hubby is sick. I am sure that is all I need to say..but I will elaborate. When men are sick why is it that their legs seem to be broken, they cant get out of the recliner except to go to bed and vice versa - the bathroom too. It is amazing to me that I have been sick since Christmas yet, my work never stopped. Ugh...He is a wonderful man and always helps me, but when he is sick - its heck. That was tolerable for the first few hours, till the dang dog ran off to the neighbors. They have a male and if she pg, I will not be happy. I dont have them fixed because we are going to use them for breeding, but not with that mutt!! She got off of the chain somehow... So I am feeling sorry for myself and that's all there is to it. I would'nt blame anyone if they never came over to visit me here again!!! Goodnight.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I really am a redneck - sort of.

Yesterday while standing at the counter at our local John Deere dealer, they had a little calander up. It was one like the "far side" cartoons. Anyway - this one was titled, "ya know your a redneck if- then they would have a stupid little saying it. Well I was flipping through them, laughing my butt off when I came to one that said " ya know your a redneck if the bellowing of a coon hound in the middle of the night, in the middle of a cornfield is music to your ears." OMG! I dont know if any of you have read my profile, but I LOVE coon hunting more than most things in my life, but my family!!!! hoo-ya!! So, I am a redneck, I guess. Is there a 12 step program for that or am I stuck with it? I could have accepted this and poo-pooed it really that they were just wrong had I not read the next day's. Ya must be a redneck if you have ever had to mow around a refrigerator that is in your lawn!!!! That was the last straw - I could bear it no more and stopped reading. I was scared of what I was going to find!! I agree, I am a country bumpkin and I love it, but redneck?!?!? Now I better explain why I had to mow around the fridg? Hubby had not had time to haul it to the dump - end of story!!!! Anyone else have accidental redneck traits? Or are you a redneck, hillbilly or just a bumpkin?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's a wonderful life - really - isnt it.

Morning's are my favorite time of day...seriously they are. I get up with my strapping hubby at around 4 am (yes am) get his coffee ready, then send him, the oldest 2 boys with my love to the farm for the day. I dont see them again until around 7 pm, unless they need my help at the farm or I need to run to town for parts. We ended up having lemon pepper/garlic chicken for supper - did'nt go well. I loved it but hubby turned up his nose. I dont think that I have ever mentioned that my husband is the true Tim Allen from Home Improvements. If you came over sometime and met him it is BLINDINGLY obvious that they wrote the show completely from our family!!! It always has to be bigger, better, louder, stronger, tougher, brighter than anything you can buy in a store and then a bit more! He is always, in his words - "beefing it up". Now what does he mean by that? God only knows! But he is a very good mechanic and can build just about anything out of wood, metal and so on. He is not as accident prone as The Toolman, but he love tools, all tools, any tool. He loves tools so much I should wear only a toolbelt to bed somtimes - then I would be in trouble..Big trouble. LOL Anybody else have a hubby with Tim the Toolman Taylor traits?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The life of a pacifier.

My youngest son, 15mo, is going through the "throw the pacy" stage. My dear, adorable, sweet, kind hubby calls it his (dont be offended-PLEASE) 'tit'. Talk about classy....ya. Anyway, he is throwing it out of his bed in the middle of the night, only to be stepped on (barefoot) by his pooor mother, who has only the best intentions of easing his frustrations for not having it!!!!! Did you get all that!?!?!? Man, I need a vacation. I dont know if I have mentioned this before but my 7 year old is "home schooled'. It's not really a home school, it is a vurtual public school. He has a teacher classmates, but all of his work is done at home on the computer, or in his books and sent in to his teacher. Works great if he gets the lead out of his butt. He puts it off and doesnt want to do it. My aching head.... what ever made me think I could do this... God knows. Thats it!! God..he made me think I could do, its his fault. He's got broad shoulders so I will blame him!!!! nah, its my fault. Anyway. I need some idea's for supper, so send them my way!!!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Another day another diaper.

I never realized when we had our second child that there would be diapers again. Sounds dumb I know, but I wanted another baby so bad that - it slipped what little mind I have. Anyway, I am feeling better but neither of the boys are feeling up to much. I went to a job interview this morning, cuz the $$$ is not coming in. We need another income again.... so please wish me luck. I hate to have to go back to work again, but farming is not the best business to be in. The perks are great though! Our boys see things first hand that most never see in their lives. Calves being born, crops growing and family working together for a common purpose. I love farming - just dont always like being poor!!!! LOL But if our kids are healthy, we have food, warm beds, cloths and love God and each other - what else do we need. The new car, huge home, great cloths and all that goes with that doesnt really matter right? Not to me. Man did you think you were going to get a Sunday sermon on Monday afternoon?!?! Sorry - I am on a tangent today!! :) Anyone else feel this way about life? I dont like the thought of my kids in daycare, not that there arent GREAT people who do daycare, but they are not family - maybe close in some case's though. I guess I mean the type of daycare where they have so many kids that its a "center". When JoHann was little my grandmother watched him and I felt so much better about that. It was easier to handle cuz she feels like I do about him. Anyone have any thoughts on this stuff. I am in a real discusion mood today - let me know what you think - all opinions are well and respected.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

boogers and butts

In all of my life I have NEVER had such a bad cold! My poor boys are suffering too and I hate to see them feel so punky. We have tried all of the dr. suggestions and most of my home remedies and still - snot. ish.

On to new things. I just got done changing my youngest son, 14mo, ridding him of a very wet diappy. I turned to get a wipe and he saw his chance to get up and run, with just his shirt and socks on - down the hallway. Talk about being in all his glory. He weighs about 34 lbs so his little butt is alllllll fat, including the dimples. (For some reason when they are little its cute, but mine looks like that and no one is laughing.) Anyway - he bolted down the hallway laughing and screaming like a banshe, turns around and runs back. Stoping only long enough to lean over the coffee table and procede to pee on the carpet - before I could get him. Man I need to move faster or change him in the bathtub. I am really getting to old for this, yet I want 2 more!! Can anyone say - nut job. :)

Friday, January 06, 2006

My aching head

What a night. I have had a bad cold for about 8 days now and there is no sign of it getting any better. Not only do I have it now, but so do the kids. Poor little buggers or should I say bugers cuz that's all I have seen for the last 2 nights. I never realized that one baby could make so much "mucus" to put it nicely. My wonderful husband finished cleaning up supper and put the kids to bed for me so I could take a HOT bath - ALONE. Now that's a word I have'nt heard, let alone enjoyed for ages! I have not yet started my scarf squares for pretending sanity's scarf swap, but I need to get my yarn. I am sooooo excited about it. My loveing hubby things I'm crazy, yet he loves to watch me crochet at night. Men - what dorks. I am trying to learn how to put my favorite sites on my blog, but I am having a VERY difficult time doing it. Cant figure it out cuz I am getting to old to learn new stuff I guess! If anyone has any ideas that would be great. Thanks Pretending sanity for your help. It kind of worked, but wont take me to your site - dang, dang, dang!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

My new home

Well please wish me luck, I am sooooooo new at this and want to thank Pretending Sanity for hooking me on bloggin!!! Thank you my knitting friend!