Sunday, May 07, 2006
God slamming
I have really noticed lately how many people have blogs slamming God, christians, Jesus and anything related to have a beleif other than God is whatever you want it to be....this is a normal thing cuz people always doubt, its our nature, but was disturbs me the most is the age of these people, they are kids 15 and under! I know that this age is the age of discovery and that they are questioning everything, but what they are saying in these blogs and chat rooms is very well thought out and they almost seem to be angry at christians for all the things that have ever happened to them. They seem to think that anyone associated with a church, the bible, Jesus or GOD in the Biblical sense are fools. I have such an urgent sense that we need to talk to the kids, but then I realize that in some way our society has SERIOUSLY failed these kids. It is rediculous to me that they feel God is to blame for everything, but yet he did not create the Earth....wha??? How can what you dont beleive in, be the blame for what happens to you? This completely boggles me. Yet I find SO many times that this happens to adults also, people are confusing Christianity with Republicans and Gays being Democrats.....political issues are DIFFERANT then moral ones and it frightens me that people think there needs to be legislation to govern our morals....that is dangerous ground = communism. I asked a young adult what they new of communism and I was dumbfouned at what they said, the answer I got was "What is it?" This kid graduated top of his scary is that - he did'nt even remember that there were 2 Germany's past WWII..... The moral crisis our country is facing is our own fault and yet we want our "party's" to fix it for us. We are the ones who need to stop watching, buying, participateing in the things that make this country falter. Movies, magazines, clothing and all of the stuff that we consider as ok, really isnt. I have to get ready for work, but I will be writing more later.....hope you come back to read the rest and PLEASE comment - I really want to hear your opinions..
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From what I gather, peoples' disillusionment isn't with God, but rather with the churches and some of their members. Unfortunately, impassioned zealots from any religion tend to be loud, judgemental and non-tolerant of others. And these loud few are who the focus is directed towards. Therefore, some extremist Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. comes to represent the group as a whole. It's very sad too because there is a knee-jerk reaction by mainstream to condemn intolerance of the "minorities" by pointing out the flaws of the more accepted religions. And this condemnation isn't merely directed at the extremists or fringe Christian groups, but all church members are labeled. The media is guilty of propetuation of the very intolerances they condemn... only they don't recognize this. Oh, the irony.
Sorry about the typos and spelling errors in my previous comment, I'm tired! Welcome back Heidi, I've missed you.
heidi! Where have you been missy! Life interupted? hehe. I'm so glad you came by.
I started blogging about 2 or 3 years ago and stopped, then started back up last July. It's all in seasons.
Part of these children, and I do mean children, are looking for answers without guidance. I so dislike that phrase, "QUESTION AUTHORITY" because it puts in your this sense of distrust. It's amazing to me how this particular group of children are being raised by this creed along with every other person giving them values except their PARENTS (TV, Hollywood, internet, books, even the government tries their darndest to take over).
I think it's just a sign of bad parenting. Not that a child would have questions mind you, but that a child would have disrespect for others without their own values. It seems to boil down to respect.
Hey - it has been awhile!
I think that 15 is a normal age to kind of question your roots. I was raised in the church and as a teenager I rebelled and questioned and was angry at God, etc.
I think you just have to let them grow up, explore and come back to it on their own. You don't want to believe what you feel you have been "brain washed" to believe. You want to know you believe it because it's your truth.
It doesn't make watching the struggle any easier though. My hearts go out to them. Being a teenager is so hard... And I still often go through very deep periods of doubting and anger. We all have our own spiritual paths - some of us are slow walkers!
This is definitly a more than one post kind of topic! Interested to hear more.
Hi Heidi and Heidi's friends,
Good thoughts here. I think a huge part of it is (besides the dumbing down thing) the teaching of evolution in our schools. I don't know if you've ever watched any DVD's from Answers in Genesis, but Ken Ham addresses this very issue and boils down our culture's attitudes to this. We send them off to Sunday school where they hear the nice little Bible stories, and then during the week we ship them off to public school where they are taught the worldview of "real" science via evolution. When what we should be doing at home and at church is equipping them with the truth to counter the lies so that when we launch them into the world they will not be weak spindly seedlings but strong plants able to withstand the wind.
Big topic. do you work and raise kids and blog?
Hope you don't mind me stopping by for a visit and offering my two bits?
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