Monday, March 13, 2006

Beautiful Snowbirds

I am off for the next 2 days and loving it!! It has snowed here since yesterday afternoon and we have about 6 inches! The boys and the dogs are loving it of course and we are supose to be getting MORE...ugh. I am really ready for spring, but in Gods good time. I have not been around much lately and can see that my blog is being visited much less than before, so I am going to try to make a better effort to "keep up". That is such a relative word when working fulltime, farming, keeping the house, laundry, cooking, shopping, sleeping.....sleeping....sleeping - oops drifted off there for a second! SO - I plan on bloggin more.

Last night our youngest - 16 months - was in the basement with my hubby after they got done with milking. I have an old washing machine that I use only for our barn cloths and needless to leaks, ish. Talk about disgusting, but I dont like to have the barn cloths in my "good" washing machine cuz they are SO dirty. Anyway, there is a puddle of "wash water" on the floor next to the drain after every load of laundry. I was just about to mop it up when I heard hubby laughing like a crazy man. I went down to see what was so funny and there lay the baby - belly down with his arms and legs flailing about like he was trying to swin in this little puddle. That would have been ok, but then it happened....he tried to drink it.... yes, I said - drink it.. I started to gag and I have a cast iron stomach. I grabbed him as I was gagging and he stunk like wet dog, old socks, dirty wash water and basment all at the same time.. I stripped him down naked as he screamed murder and up the stairs we went to the tub. It took soda water to finally get the smell off of him and it was not a quiet bath by any means. For some reason clean water is not as much fun as dirty wash water. Maybe it is a guy thing already - I hope not. Well, off to clean the kitchen sink....


Heide said...

Hello again there Heidi Ho!
Your life is blessed and without these minor interruptions you might forget just how lucky you are. All I can say is write it down somewhere or print out your blog page and save it for when he grows up and has children of his own. Hope you are well and not working too hard with your outside job. That double-time Mom gig is a butt-kicker all by itself. I check your site daily and think of you. Hope all is well.
Hp :)

Heide said...

Hello Heidi,
A spinnig wheel would be so much fun to try. My Secret Pal sent me a drop spindle, but I haven't had time to try it out yet. I just buy natural yarn from Knitpicks. They are hands down the cheapest source for yarn (unless you count garage sales and ebay and neither of those sources is reliable). I hope you had a chance to enjoy some time with your husband and boys this weekend. Take care, Heide

Heide said...

Hey there Heidi,
I hope that spring's arrival brings and end to winter colds (and cold) and that you and your boys enjoy some time playing outside. Also, I hope your outside job isn't too taxing. Three children and a farm are enough to keep three adults busy. I don't know how you're doing additional work too. I'm impressed. Anyway, hope all is well.

Tee/Tracy said...

LOL and yuck at the same time!

Heide said...

Hayy Easter!

poof said...

Now this makes me laugh. I realize this is an older post, but hey, we have a washing machine in the barn too! And many a barn tale to tell as well. You stopped by my blog earlier and I'm just checking out yours!