Saturday, January 14, 2006

Joy in the Morning

Thank you Jill for making me feel better last night. Joy did come in the morning in the form of a great big kiss from my 15 mo old. What a little lover. Today is a better day and looks like it is going to be on cruise control from here on out. Supper is planed, house is tolerable and I am gonna sit and crochet for 2 hours if it kills me - it just may! But I can handle it today! Thanks for all the support - Jill - Heide. Now if anyone has a great diet other than liposuction - send it my way!!! LOL


Anonymous said...

Been workin on that Huttkins diet myself. Wifeie lost substantial weight that way. But I dont have will power to stay away from breads & pasta's

Anonymous said...

Hey ya like crossword puzzles ?

I started a Item

Check it out let me know what you think .

Tell yer freinds about us.

Anonymous said...

My specific site is

My wife is orig. from wisc.
Delavan to be exact

Tee/Tracy said...

Awh :) I love when my baby boy cheers me up, too :) Glad you're having a better day.