Sunday, January 22, 2006

I have been Tagged by the wonderful Tee!!

I am really a boring person - so here it goes!

4-Jobs you have had in your life.

1. Police Dispatcher
2. Zoo Keeper (at a real zoo, not at home lol)
3. Nursing Assistant
4. Economic Support Specialist

4-Movies you would watch over and over again.

1.Secondhand Lions
2.ANYTHING - with Antonio Banderas in it.
3.Swiss Family Robinson
4.All of the Veggie Tales shows (told ya I was boring)

4-Places I have lived.
1. Wisconsin
2. Wisconsin
3. Wisconsin
4. Wisconsin - I have lived in 2 towns within 25 miles of each other in my life.

4-tv show you love to watch.
1. Lost
2. Martha (who doesnt)
3. The Red Green Show
4. British comedy's

4-Places you have been on vaction.
1. Lake Superior
2. South Dakota
3. Washington state
4. Maryland

4-Websites you visit daily

1. Spilt Milk
2. Pretending Sanity
3. Strawberry Blush
4.But mom.....

4-Favorite foods.
1. Strawberry pie
2. Lefse
3. chicken - fixed any which way.
4. Captain Crunch ( I know)

4-Places you would rather be right now.
1. In bed - ALONE!!
2. In a hot bath - ALONE!!
3. At my Grandma's
4. Eating at Olive Garden

4-People you tag to complete this.

1. Strawberry Blush(Jill)
2.But Mom...(Heide)
3. Pretending Sanity (Allison)
4.Jaba the Hut ( he knows who he is!!!)

That was fun! It really made me think a little bit.


Anonymous said...

OH, Tagged huh, well well, I can play this little game.

Just remember , some day, the tables will turn.


Heide said...

I don't think your answers were boring. This was my first "Tag" Hope your weekend is going well. Heide

Heide said...

Hey there! When I went to Europe it was as a part of a student tour group between my sophomore and junior years of high school (I graduated in 1985, I'm old). I have cousins in Finland that I'd really like to go visit someday, but so far it just hasn't worked out... mostly due to finances, it's pretty expensive. Traveling is fun though. I have a good friend who was raised in Wisconsin and another who just moved to Greenbay.

Jenn said...

I like the places you would like to be in...ALONE! hehe.

You like Britcoms??! I love the Thin Blue Line, Fawlty Towers, Are You Being Served, Mr. Bean (not the movie) Jeeves and Wooster, Dr. Who. The list is endless really. What is your favorite?

Tee/Tracy said...

YAY for LOST and Olive Garden! Lost is tonight!!!! YAY!!! LOL. Hey, #2 on the jobs list cracked me up! But how cool was that?!

MrsDoF said...

I did this meme awhile back.
Find it here, in my Archives

And I wasn't offended by what you said at Tee's.
Actually it made me laugh at how crazy my family is, and how innocent a 9 year old girl can be.